Kale and Chocolate was Sooooooo Last Season

If you are reading this, congratulations.  You have successfully made your way through the cyber headache of blogs, blogs, and more blogs, and have landed smack dab at the beginning of my second attempted blog.  Why the change?  Why not. Change is good.  I like WordPress, I like to keep things fresh, and most importantly, I wanted to change the name of my blog to reflect my business endeavor: Kale and Cocoa.  So remember: kaleandcocoa.  No more Chocolate.

As for other announcements: be sure to read the post right under this, written by my first ever guest blogger, Natalie, she knows her stuff.

Lastly, Kaleandcocoa is spreading its wings in the small but strong Utah Kale community (even I chuckle when reading that).  KC (me) made a friend at the SLC farmers market, a fellow kale enthusiast, even more so than me: Emily, with the Kale Effect.  Whilst talking at the market, she introduced me to her website, and was even kind enough to quote me on it. In all my honesty I spilled my guts to her by saying: “I love kale. Well actually, I hate kale, but I’m trying to love it.”  It true.  Last week I could hardly stomach kale.  But this week I’m turning over a new leaf…ha!  Kale and I shall be reunited again!  If you are looking for new recipes, the Kale Effect is a great way to find them.

Anyway, that’ll do it for announcements.  Welcome again to my new blog, I’m pretty excited about it.  As always, spread the word. I welcome suggestions, and if you want to email me about health coach sessions and/or anything else relating to this blog, feel free: kristen@kaleandcocoa.com.